SKU: lttbgpb0001
Prebuy 3 Parts, LTT Backpack
Price Options
One-time purchase
Monthly Saver
£99.00every month for 3 months
Weekly Saver
£99.00every week for 3 weeks
Order this 3 times to get a store voucher for LTT Backpack. Because of the transaction cost, the ticket price is higher than the value of the backpack by 10%.
Does not get you a backpack until all 3 tickets are purchased
Use these vouchers to buy the item listed, or exchange the vouchers for something else on the store. If your puchase is less than the value of the voucher (£80) then get the difference back in a gift card for our store, or exchange it for £80 back in your bank account.
The purchase price of this ticket is 10% higher to account for transaction fees of 3% + 50p and a part-buy surcharge.