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Media Otaku Shop

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  • Prebuy 3 Parts, LTT Backpack
  • Prebuy 3 Parts, LTT Backpack
  • Prebuy 3 Parts, LTT Backpack
SKU: lttbgpb0001

Prebuy 3 Parts, LTT Backpack

Price Options
One-time purchase
Monthly Saver
£99.00every month for 3 months
Weekly Saver
£99.00every week for 3 weeks

Order this 3 times to get a store voucher for LTT Backpack. Because of the transaction cost, the ticket price is higher than the value of the backpack by 10%.


Does not get you a backpack until all 3 tickets are purchased

  • Use these vouchers to buy the item listed, or exchange the vouchers for something else on the store. If your puchase is less than the value of the voucher (£80) then get the difference back in a gift card for our store, or exchange it for £80 back in your bank account.

  • The purchase price of this ticket is 10% higher to account for transaction fees of 3% + 50p and a part-buy surcharge.

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