Archived Page

GG animeotaku Twitch

This is a live stream, please keep in mind there maybe latency between you sending a message, and me receiving it.
Welcome to the live show!
Wanna chat? Right now is not possible on Media Otaku, but you will be able to in the future, however for now, use Twitch chat. You can access this in the bar below! (Only in the New Experience) Cheerio!

Try the all-new Media Otaku experience.
Now including a comment section!
For Creators:
Upload a video to Media Otaku
Add your special code in WhistleCode
Submit your upload to be approved!
For Users:
Click a video of your choosing.
Scroll to the bottom of the page
Write a whistle of your own, or
Read others' whistles
Nice and easy :)
So check it all out today!
Happy Viewing
Alain Graham
aka GG animeotaku
and GoMedia Group President and Founder
Launch yourself with GoMedia Group!
GoMedia Group
